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Nintendo 1988


Super Mario Bros. 2

One evening, Mario had a strange dream. He dreamt of a long, long stairway leading up to a door. As soon as the door opened, he was confronted with a world he had never seen before spreading out as far as his eyes could see. When he strained his ears to listen, he heard a faint voice saying "Welcome to 'Subcon', the land of dreams. We have been cursed by Wart and we are completely under his evil spell. We have been awaiting your arrival. Please defeat Wart and return subcon to its natural state. The curse Wart has put on you in the real world will not have any effect upon you here. Remember, Wart hates vegetables. Please help us!" At the same time this was heard, a bolt of lightning flashed before Mario's eyes. Stunned, Mario lost his footing and tumbled upside down.

He awoke with a start to find himself sitting up in his bed. To clear his head, Mario talked to Luigi, Toad and Princess about the strange dream he had. They decide to go to a nearby mountain for a picnic. After arriving at the picnic area and looking at the scenery, they see a small cave nearby. When they enter this cave, to their great surprise, there's a stairway leading up and up. It is exactly like the one Mario saw in his dream. They walk together up the stairs and at the top, to find a door just like the one in Mario's dream. When Mario and his friends, in fear, open the door, to their surprise, the world he saw in his dream spreads out before them!...


Super Mario Bros. 2
Made with a North American audience in mind, Super Mario Bros. 2 plays much differently than its predecessor and sequel. It's still filled with challenging platforming but you have a much wider range of options in the way you deal with enemies. You can grab them, throw them, knock them out with a turnip, or even simply toss them out of the way. One of the best things about this game is the ability to select your character at the beginning of every single stage. Mario, Luigi, Toad and Princess Toadstool all have different strengths and can really change the way you play. These differences can make some stages easier or even harder, depending on your selection.

Another departure from the original Super Mario Bros. is an increased focus on exploration. The way forward is not always obvious and may be hidden or even barred behind a locked door. By forcing you to look around for another passage or hidden key, you will often have to backtrack and find secret places. These adventure elements make this installment really stand out in the series. Don't be afraid to check down a vase, look behind a waterfall, or even fall to the bottom of a quicksand trap. You never know what you may find.